After Hurricane Matthew … What Now for CWO?

Hurricane Matthew was a slow-moving, powerful storm that hit Haiti hard this past week. As has been the case so many times before in Haiti, there is no shortage of need. From medical attention, clean water and food to clearing roads and re-building, recovery will likely be long and complicated. We grieve with those affected by the storm and pray that God will show Himself to those in need.

CWO has ministered in Haiti for more than 35 years. It’s important to note that we are not solely a relief organization. God has given us opportunities to work alongside our Haitian friends and bring Christ to many. Sometimes that takes the form of providing medical attention or rebuilding following disasters. And sometimes it is by providing education or a hot meal for a child. Whatever form it takes, we’re grateful for God’s provision, the relationships we’ve developed and the partnerships that have come from our time working in Haiti.

CWO specializes in making a difference in the lives we touch and in making a difference for eternity. If that means helping a partner organization with immediate needs after the hurricane, we will be there. Our vision is to be in Haiti for the long haul, through recovery, as people need to hear the Good News and if Haiti faces yet another disaster. We are committed to serving in Haiti and recognizing the tremendous potential of this place and its people. If you want to help support recovery efforts, you can give to CWO by clicking the DONATE button above and selecting Disaster Relief under the Haiti menu option.

Thank you for recognizing and supporting CWO’s unique and necessary role in not only helping with the recovery effort but in building a future for Haiti for now and eternity!

Save-the-Date … Nov. 4!

This year’s banquet is centered around the theme of teamwork. Team CWO consists of not only our staff and missionaries, but also our donors, prayer partners and all those who volunteer and help us get the word out about CWO. Team CWO is you!

27Alassane and Dina Compaore will give us a first-hand update on all the ministries in Burkina Faso. They will tell us about the new class of Village of Opportunity students and the Mobile Clinic. And find out about the upcoming short-term trip in January 2017.

Jerry Schemmel has an amazing faith story and understands what it means to be part of a team. Whether he’s calling the action at the Colorado Rockies baseball games, cycling to raise money for his numerous interests or coaching, Jerry knows all about teamwork!

The details –
Friday, November, 4, 2016
Denver Marriott South at Park Meadows
6:00pm – Social Hour
7:00pm – Dinner & Program

Enjoy a casual tailgate-like meal, time to connect with other CWO team members and much more! Watch for RSVP information coming soon!

“I am grateful for what CWO has done for me…”

The CWO Children’s Feeding Program is helping to raise healthy children into healthy adults! Located at Delmas 31, the program is in a suburb area of Port-au-Prince. Children receive a hot meal three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Most children come from the Delmas 31 neighborhood but others will walk 2-3 kilometers. In addition to the hot meal, children learn to pray, and sing songs and are taught a life skill.

The following young people, who were part of the program when they were younger, have shared how the program helped them during their childhood:

StanleyStanley Ria shared, “I used to go to school on an empty stomach but I was waiting for the school day to end so that I could go and eat on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the CWO Feeding Program. Those days were different since I could find a decent and sustaining meal three days per week. I have completed my high school and I am grateful for what CWO had done for me through the Feeding Program.”

JuniorJunior Paul told us, “The food that CWO used to provide for me as a child was very useful. I could not wait to the end of the school day so that I could go and eat at the Feeding Program on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I am now thanking the supporters of the program. The food was good for me so much so that I now complete my high school. I want other children to benefit from the program as well.”

TorbeckTorbeck Widlèmson said, “The Feeding Program is doing a lot of good for the children in the community. Thank you for the food you provided for me when I was a child. The meals gave a great start. I just completed my high school. Such fulfillment would not be possible without the meals I received at the CWO Feeding Program during my childhood.”

PetersonPeterson Aristil told us, “My brother and I are twins. We quit school at the 7th grade because our mother did not have the means to keep us in school. We were fed three times a week at the CWO Feeding Program. Now we are young men and we are fending for ourselves. I am doing taxi moto, transporting people on a motorcycle for pay. The same way the Feeding Program was good to me, it is also good to others like me.”

Thank you for helping CWO make a difference in the lives of so many!