CWO President Greg Yoder shares signs of hope, encouragement and where God is working in Haiti.
Over the past several months I have received emails, texts and calls about the situation in Haiti and about the January 2023 new Homeland Security process for Haitians to come to the US. I have been sent articles about the gang violence, armed intervention, Haiti’s future and more. I have been asked specifically what my thoughts are on being a sponsor for a Haitian that is wanting to come to the US.
Having lived and started a family in Haiti during peaceful and relatively safe times my heart goes out to those we know and even those we do not personally know in Haiti. The situation there seems to be getting worse and may be looked at as hopeless. Just recently a person who had gone on a short-term team asked the question, “What hope do those kids we taught at VBS have? They must be in their 20’s now.”
Our hope does not come from the circumstances in Haiti but from knowing that God is in control. God has been good and allowed the ministries of Christian World Outreach (CWO) to go on despite the past COVID restrictions and the current political issues, increased costs and gang violence. Our staff has kept ministry going by finding ways virtually to have Feminine Training Center (FTC) classes going. The staff have been able to continue getting food to the children through the Children’s Feeding Program. The leaders of the churches have continued to share the Gospel, disciple people and minister in their communities.
In the middle of COVID, we were able to establish a third FTC in LaJeune, Haiti. God opened the door to begin this new center where ladies were seeking vocational training. On April 15,2023, 14 ladies graduated from the LaJeune FTC, giving them hope as the go out to begin earning an income for their families. We are also in the process of establishing a Exposition Center where goods from the FTC students can be sold helping the FTC become more sustaining and give opportunity for more ladies to receive vocational training.

CWO has been able to continue feeding children during these difficult times. The restrictions of having children come eat a meal together due to COVID restrictions and violence has not stopped our staff from providing food for them. When meals cannot be prepared for children food packets have been handed out for them to take home. These meals and food packets have given the opportunity to speak into the lives of the children and we have seen the hope it gives them. Seeing some of the young people who received meals as children grow to be leaders in the Port-au-Prince Church give us hope for the future in Haiti. We have even seen some children, like Alenson Paul, take leadership at the Children’s Feeding Program by leading worship, learning verses and praying before a meal is served.
The reports from the eight CWO churches are always encouraging as we hear about those who have accepted Christ as their Savior, baptisms of new believers and changes in peoples’ lives as they are discipled. The hope of Christ is shared by those at the CWO churches and we hear almost every month of groups of people being baptized. We also hear about people who after being discipled, make changes in their life style by getting married after living together, dedicating their children and even rededicating their lives after already serving in the church.
So, we see hope for Haiti and try not to dwell on the problems in Haiti. We see God working despite the political issues, gang violence, rising costs and other circumstances. God is good and giving hope through the ministries of CWO.

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