“I did not want to leave Haiti.”

We are happy to feature a blog post from 13-year-old Nevaeh who traveled with her Dad and a team to Haiti this summer.

Imagine yourself living life with little water, no shoes to walk around in, little food to eat during the day to keep you fulfilled, one pair of clothing to wear and mess around to get dirty, minimal places where you can feel safe. This is what the majority of Haitians have to deal with every day. 

I recently returned home from Haiti, where Christian World Outreach had put together a short-term mission trip for VBS for kids in La-Victoire to grow in their faith with Jesus Christ. Children with bare feet ran around cautious and afraid of stepping on the glass of broken bottles. I drank purified water, while little children drank little amounts of water from pouches a day. 

Before this mission trip, I was a thirteen-year-old who did not have a clue about what was happening on the other side of our world. I was selfish, greedy, and only wanted things for myself. After all the things I experienced, I truly understand what it means to not have a thing. 

The first day in Haiti was a bit terrifying. I was absolutely clueless. I thought to myself, “ I know no one here, and just want to go home.” There was another girl around my age, thinking the same thing I was, her eyes were very big and watery. It was both our very first mission trip outside of the United States. Just the thought of being in a third world country got me overwhelmed and nervous. Being there was different from the bubble I live in, in Highlands Ranch. Once we got there, we jumped out of the car and the first thing the Haitians said to us was “ Would you like to buy”, and “ Please buy” People were in desperate need of money. My heart started beating fast because they really needed us to buy their creative artwork and then I had to say “No, sorry”. 

After that, we got our luggage and stayed in the nicest bed and breakfast with the sweetest person, Jude, who ran it. He introduced himself, showed us around and had very good customer service. By the time, we settled in, the team and I did our mini-lesson, where we talk about what the plan is for the next day. Then we said prayers and headed off to our first night in Haiti. 

The next morning, everything was a bit less nerve-wracking. During breakfast, everybody was introducing themselves, and giving everybody else an idea of who they are as a person. They also told us what inspired them to do this short-term mission trip. A girl named Sarah got inspired to doing this mission trip by wanting to live in Haiti and work at the school. I compared her reason to my reason: She WANTED to be here, live here and work at the school while I came here with my dad because my family thought it was a good idea to teach me how to serve others. After Breakfast, we packed our luggage for a 4 1⁄2 hour bumpy van ride. Then, we went to the church in Lavictorie. The church was very small compared to what our church here is. We walked in and everybody looked like they were happy with everything. How could they possibly be happy when they have absolutely nothing? My answer was, probably because they have lived their whole lives like this that they just truly see the good in everything. At the beginning of VBS, all the little children got assigned a room on where they would learn their lesson. There were only four rooms to teach approximately 400-500 kids. I noticed that the bigger kids were taking care of their little siblings. Their job was to learn the VBS lesson while watching their siblings. After the lesson, we fed all of the kids lunch meals. I was very excited to watch the children chow down their meal because that was probably their only real meal for the day. After completing our lessons and feeding the kids, we all went back and played games with the children in the community. We went back to the hotel after everybody got tired and talked about what we experienced and the difference between what we thought it would be like. We all went to bed and crashed out after that long day of hard work. 

The next few days were pretty much similar to the day before. We repeated our same routine and everything was great. The only thing that was not the same as the day before was the pastor of the church gave us a little story of his background. Long story short, he told us that he got a job in Seattle, but God was telling him to stay where he belongs and still teach the kids about God. 

The second to last day before we had to go, I gave my testimony. This was a bit nervewracking to me because I do not really like telling my story in front of a whole bunch of people. The night before this I had to write it in my journal and remember to bring it. I purposely forgot it because I was just so nervous and didn’t want to do this. My dad asked me to go back and grab it because it was important for me to share how God has worked in my life. After I told my testimony, I felt good about it and felt like I needed to do that. After I told my testimony, we had over 110 kids accept their heart to Jesus Christ. 

The last day when leaving Lavictoire, instead of getting back on the van for the long hours, we took a short ride to a small airport in the rural area. When we got to the Airport it did not look like an airport because it looked like a soccer field with no runway and grass everywhere. There also were no other planes around, no concourse and no control tower either. About 10 minutes after we arrived, a small plane landed on to the grassy runway. The pilots introduced themselves, took the weight of our luggage and each person, then we all loaded the plane. Once in the air, I looked down and reflected on what I experienced. We got back to Port-au-Prince in no time at all. 

The very last day was sad because I did not want to leave Haiti. 

In the beginning, I wanted to go home after I arrived. But now, after my week experience, I just wanted to stay and hang out with the Haitians for a couple more days. If I could go back and do it all over again, I would. Even today, I still think about those days and the purpose of going and who I am now. I will return!   

A Heavy Yet Soaring Heart for Haiti

Becky was part of the June team that served in Haiti this summer. Here is her reflection from her time spent with the Haitian people. 

I left a piece of my heart in Haiti, yet my heart feels heavier. Heavy with the burden the Haitian people bear in poverty and neglect. Heavily burdened with the lack of jobs and food and the lack of funds provided to them so desperately needed, by their government. (True needs) My heart is heavy for the lost in Haiti. My heart is heavy because I can’t do more. Yet my heart truly soars at the inspiration they give me. My heart soars at the gentle kindness displayed and the genuine faith in Jesus exhibited, at the acceptance and love they showered us with. At the sacrifices they made just by having us there. Along with understanding the power of God and His love for them, they also understand the presence of evil that surrounds them, and it does not surprise them.

Oh, that we would be that mindful. Going to Haiti taught me many things about the needs of others and the needs in my own heart. It taught me about selfishness and not even recognizing it, about genuine laughter without hesitation, about giving sacrificially without second guessing. My biggest lesson is what do I do now? I take notice of my surroundings and see how I can further the gospel around me where I am right now. How I can build in to the lives of others with what God has taught me, without feeling unworthy and how I can be a loving example to all those around me.

My prayer life will be forever changed by the example of the Haitian people. My praises and thankfulness will be at the forefront of my mind, not forgetting what God has done, is doing now and will do in the future of Haiti, my life, my team’s life and our church. Thank you God, for loving me so much, you sent me to Haiti.


I will always look at things differently now

Pastor Ted Dudak from Lighthouse Bible Church in Palm Coast, Florida was part of the early June team that went to Haiti with CWO. He reflects here on the impact the trip had on him and his ministry.

So many things have changed since our trip to Haiti. Not sure where to begin, or even how to end. But one thing I do know, and that is I will always look at things differently now. Seeing what we witnessed in Haiti taught me a lot about myself, my heart, my priorities, my walk with Christ, my faith, my concern and love for others, and even my ministry. This trip was really never about us, or even about the Haitian people; it was all for His glory, and to make HIS love and power known. Did we get anything out of it? Of course, we did (Romans 8:28).

Getting to know these beautiful people taught me so many things. Things I will never forget, and also changes I need to make. Learning from someone who has nothing speaks volumes to me. And for that I’m forever grateful. They were extremely grateful and thankful because they said we were a blessing to them. I think it was the other way around. Thank you, Lord, for calling me to Haiti. Thank you for showing me things I never would have seen and witnessed if You had not called me there.



God Moved in a Mighty Way!

Karen Pasquariello was CWO’s first missionary in Haiti. She was part of a recent team from Florida and Colorado who traveled to Haiti in early June. Read on for how this experience blessed her! 

It’s been 15 years since I was in Haiti.  This trip came with a lot of excitement for me.  I spent the last 5 months preparing the team to go.  So, when we landed in Haiti, I was thrilled to once again be in a country and with the Haitian people who I have loved for over 40 years.

In some ways, Haiti hasn’t changed at all.  Still the poverty, the broken infrastructure, the dogs barking at night, roosters crowing in the early morning hours, the steaming heat, the beautiful smiles of the Haitian people, the majesty of the mountains, the oppression from voodoo, the freedom through Christ, the sweet fellowship with the Church.

Our Lighthouse Bible Church team was joined with John and Casey and my dear friend, Greg Yoder.  What a blessing it was to minister in Haiti with Greg again and our team was amazing! I believe God specifically chose each of the individuals on the team.

Our week was filled with teaching at the local church, praying together, holding a VBS and helping with the feeding program and teaching, sharing and doing crafts with the 180 students at the Feminine Training Center.

God moved in a mighty way. Thirteen women accepted Christ and three of those women were set free from Satan’s hold on them.  Many seeds were planted to the Glory of God.

What next?  I have a feeling my trips to Haiti will be much more frequent, my prayers for Haiti will be more fervent and my commitment to help with the ministry of Christian World Outreach is so much stronger.

I am very thankful for the opportunity and privilege to be able to minister in Haiti and excited to see how God leads!


Not What I Expected – June Haiti Team Member

 A team from Florida and few from Colorado went to Haiti in June 2019 to serve at the Feminine Training Center and the Children’s Feeding Program. We will be sharing thoughts from various team members. 

This is a post from Tracey Golden. 

Haitian people are so loving and giving. I went to Haiti fully expecting poor people living on the ground eating unimaginable things just to survive. What I found was some of the nicest, sweetest and giving people. These wonderful people probably have not eaten in a few days, but they gladly would give up their last bit of food to help someone else. To me this makes them wealthy. Sure, they may have only a dress to wear to church, but you better believe they are going to the Lord’s house. They are going in there very best. After all, isn’t that what God deserves. Do we give our absolute best to God?

They hold fast to their faith and stand firm in that belief. These Christian Haitians know what is meant by pray without ceasing and they pray with a joyful heart. They know their answers are coming from God and they do not give up. I was amazed at these wonderful people. When they pray, they pray expecting God to work. They keep praying until they get their answer. And then they give God all the praise and thanks. You see them on their knees. And they stay kneeling before God. No five second prayer for them!

This trip put my life into perspective. I met people whose church meant being able to worship God, to know His splendor. People who were willing to give up what little they had to be a child of God. Often it meant giving up the family they depended on. They know the price of their belief and freely give that price. Having learned of just a few things that being a child of God meant for them made me look at my life differently.

What I expect from my life and what God expects of me, Him having given me this experience, we find in 1 Corinthians 13:13. “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

Serve the Lord with a joyful heart. To love the Lord completely. And to study His word then follow where Jesus leads. Not to let this be the end of my experience but the beginning.



God has better plans for His ministry than I could ever dream up!

Marci and Bill Hoover are CWO missionaries working in Zambia. Here Marci tells of her passion and experiences working with the boys in the Deaf ministry.

We have now lived in Zambia for 17 years and we love the ministry the Lord has created here. If you had told me a year ago that I’d be working with Deaf boys in Zambia, I would have laughed heartily at the idea. I have never known a word of sign language, let alone a letter! Little did I know that God had already prepared the hearts of a group of Deaf boys that He would lead to us.

It all started when a sign language teacher approached us at a church in Wyoming during our furlough in November of 2017. He simply asked if we had any Deaf Nephews in our group. We stated that we did not and did not know any Deaf individuals in our area. He requested that we ask. So we did. All our Nephews quickly said they knew Edward, a 16-year-old Deaf boy in their area. We invited Edward to visit us along with a translator.

Edward came and said he and his Deaf friends from school would love to come to CWO. When I asked if the Deaf boys would be hesitant about interacting with us, he said, “No. They know Auntie Marci and Uncle Bill already!” When I asked how they could possibly know us, he replied, “For years we’ve watched the Nephews leave the township to go to CWO. We always felt left behind and wished we could come. But, we knew you couldn’t communicate with us.” I was in shock! They have literally been waiting to be invited!

Our Wyoming sign language teacher, Scott, then visited us and the boys and directed us on how to begin teaching them new English words and Zambian Sign Language. We have since hired a sign language translator and a teacher who is Deaf himself. Now the boys can participate in every program we run!

Most of the boys are malnourished and have therefore been added to our weekly nutrition program. The hearing Nephews have graciously included the Deaf in all of their activities and games and are even learning Zambian Sign Language themselves! This will help to create a more inclusive environment here and in the township for them.

I am learning so much from these young men and their teachers! I’m beginning to understand how very difficult it is to understand the Bible when your vocabulary is limited. As an example, all the boys learned to sign John 3:16 together. They were excited! When we could all sign it fluidly, I stopped and signed, “What does ‘believe’ mean?” They didn’t know. They knew the sign for believe, but not the meaning. “What does ‘eternal’ mean? Who is ‘the world’ referring to?” They did not know. After an hour of explaining the true meaning of the words, their eyes lit up as they suddenly understood why Jesus died for us! I cannot express the joy teacher Lombe, Mr. Chanda the translator, and I felt at that moment!

I am learning to trust that God has better plans for His ministry than I could ever dream up! Scott is now leading a team to work with us, the Deaf boys, and their school in August and we invite you to be a part of that or future annual teams. You do not need to know sign language to be effective! Just have a teachable heart and a desire to love….God takes care of the rest! For more information about our Deaf program, feel free to email us at cwozambia2@gmail.com.

Trip to Zambia – Working with the Nephews, Seeing God at Work

Julie Bohn reflects on her time in Zambia working with the Nephews.

My husband Steve got to know Bill and Marci Hoover when he was a Christian World Outreach (CWO) board member for six years. Ever since Marci found out I assess children’s learning needs, she has wanted me to come assess the Nephews. They started working with a new group of Nephews in January of 2018 so this seemed like the perfect year to go. The Lord provided the funds. Steve was able to come for the first week.

According to Marci, Steve and I provided her and Bill with a much-needed break from the day-to-day work and stress when we took them on a mini-vacation to Livingstone to go on safaris and see Victoria Falls. It gave them the opportunity to interact with someone from their home culture, which was refreshing and renewing; and allowed them to share their adoptive culture and family, which in turn renewed their joy and purpose in being in Zambia. We clicked with them as a couple right away. They would be people we would hang out with if they lived here. We had a blast together seeing the sights, laughing, and thanking the Lord for a very special time together.

I trained the staff with effective teaching skills. Here I am showing them how to lead the boys in cross body brain exercises to warm up the Nephew’s brains for learning prior to lessons. They are using the exercises with the boys.

I found the boys could read the English words but they did not know what they meant so I trained the staff in vocabulary development and how to develop comprehension questions for any reading passage. They have developed comprehension questions for this reading lesson.

We were able to bring over many teaching supplies including handwriting workbooks, magnetic letters, and math manipulatives and train the staff in how to use them. As a result, the staff was able to add a day of math lessons to their weekly schedule of growth opportunities. These activities encouraged them and expanded the work they are already doing.

I did learning assessments with the Nephews that helped the staff know the learning style and educational level of each young man, which, in turn, will help him learn more easily. The Nephews felt extremely important and of value to have someone work with them one-on-one, even if it was for testing! Two boys had ear issues diagnosed and treated that would have been overlooked. The parents felt truly grateful to have someone care this much about their sons and it connected them to CWO in Zambia on a deeper level than they had been in the past. The staff believes it caused the parents to take their son’s schooling more seriously.

Steve’s time playing board games with the boys spoke so much love to them and helped them practice their English and counting skills.


Steve’s time allowing them to read to him was also immeasurable – to have a MAN spend time with them teaches them that it is ok for men and fathers to interact with their children and to help boys read English.


The Lord provided the funds – some personal for the four-day trip for the four of us and the teaching supplies, some from donors – for the airfare to get to Zambia and back. The Lord provided the giftings – teaching for me and giving for my husband. We just followed Bill and Marci’s example of Deuteronomy 5:32, “So you shall observe to do just as the Lord your God has commanded you; you shall not turn aside to the right or to the left.” Bill and Marci have lived out this verse in the development of the ministry to the Nephews. Each step of the way they have sought the Lord and obeyed what He revealed to them. It was a joy and a blessing to spend time with them and their staff. It was very hard to leave the Nephews. We remain in contact with Bill and Marci and the staff.

We would love to see the impact of this trip continue and want to offer you an opportunity to be a part of it. In order for the lessons that the CWO Zambia team provides for the Nephews to have the greatest impact, the Nephews have to be in school. Each boy needs $150 to cover tuition fees, uniform, and all supplies. Our prayer is for each family to provide some amount towards the need, but it is typically very little due to their income being $2 per day. Would you consider helping one boy stay in school?  Click on the Donate button above and select Zambia, and then select Scholarships and School Fees. Thank you!

2018 Reflection

CWO Board Chair Larry Weeden shares a reflection on the many ways God worked through CWO in 2018. 

When we hear that Mary, a young graduate of CWO’s Village of Opportunity (VOO) training program in Burkina Faso, plans to move to Ivory Coast to set up a sewing shop and be a missionary, we know God is multiplying our efforts to spread hope, practical helps, and the Gospel throughout His world.

Mary’s story is just one example of the many ways God used the prayers and faithful giving of His people to enable Christian World Outreach to be His hands and feet in 2018. From the 25 graduates of the VOO program, to the new drip irrigation and chicken raising efforts in Burkina, to the 28 new brothers and sisters in the faith who decided to follow Christ at Haiti’s Great Discovery Camp in June, to the new work in Zambia educating deaf boys who might otherwise be outcasts in their society, and to the many orphans who are being raised and educated in their local communities in Zimbabwe, our Lord has been using CWO to meet practical needs and build His kingdom around the world.

As we continue to support this God-directed and God-blessed work, we can be confident that our gifts are put to use with the highest level of integrity. For the fourth consecutive year, CWO received the top four-star rating from Charity Navigator for strong financial health and a commitment to transparency and accountability.

Even as we praise God for all that was accomplished in 2018, we know the needs continue to be great. There are more women to train in Haiti and Burkina Faso so they can contribute to the financial well-being of their families. There are more children to feed, clothe, and educate, and more orphans to care for in Zambia and Zimbabwe. There are more pastors to train in Haiti and Zimbabwe, too. And always, even as we provide these services and more, the Gospel is presented, the Bible is taught, and disciples of Jesus are made.

As we build on these successes and continue to meet these needs in 2019, we ask you to pray, to give, and to tell your friends about CWO. And if you feel the Lord prompting you to join in one of our short-term mission trips this year, listen! If He’s in it, He will provide the means, and you will enjoy one of the most-challenging but rewarding experiences of your life. See the website at cwomissions.org for dates and other details.

We look forward with excitement to what God will do through CWO in 2019, things that your support will make possible. Thank you for that support, and God bless you and those you love.

In Christ,

Larry Weeden
CWO Board Chair

“Yeah, right … “

Sarah shares how her life has been transformed by her time in Haiti, what a blessing she is to so many!

If you would have told me 4 years ago that I would have the passion and love for Haiti that I do today, I would have laughed and said “yeah right”. But thanks to the short term missions trips I have been on with CWO, my passion for Haiti is immense. My first trip to Haiti was a very rough experience. I had panic attacks every single night and was convinced I was not going to make it back to America. After that trip I had come to the conclusion that I would never go back to Haiti.  One year later I had the realization that my panic attacks were caused by spiritual warfare and I did not want the devil to win. So, I decided to go back to Haiti and my life hasn’t been the same since. I have gone every summer after that and loved every second of it. God has shown me a love and passion for Haiti that has grown into me wanting to eventually move there and work with kids who are deaf.

This past summer I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer at the Pignon Christian Center for the Deaf in LeJeune, a small village close to Pignon. The deaf community is not very accepted in Haiti and rarely get an education. The school is a place that provides the children with language and a community where they are loved and accepted. To be a part of that was one of the greatest blessings of my life. God really moved me during my time at the school. He showed me a lot about His character and His love for those who are so often forgotten. One of my favorite parts of the whole trip was getting to watch the kids pray and going to church with them. They do not pray in their heads like we so often do rather they visually express their prayers through sign language. Getting to see their hearts and their faith through their prayers never failed to make me cry. Going to church with them was also a great experience. They could not hear the service yet they were so excited to be in a place where they could praise God. There really is no valley too low, no distance too far, nor any hearing impairment that can separate us from God.

If I hadn’t had the support and encouragement from Greg Yoder, the President of CWO, my family, and CWO to go back to Haiti after such a hard first trip I would have never gotten to experience the true beauty of Haiti. God knew that He had something special planned for me in Haiti. He pursued me and guided me to a place that has captured my heart. The way that I feel God’s presence in Haiti is incredible and my heart finds joy when I’m there. I am so excited to continue going on trips to Haiti with CWO and hopefully move there in the future. “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” 1 John 3:16


An Art-full Way to Give!

CWO friend Jay Norris shares her heart for CWO –

My husband and I have known Greg (CWO President) and Laura Yoder for nearly 15 years and we couldn’t be more supportive of the CWO ministry.  We attended the same church for several years and two of our sons went to Haiti with CWO along with some of our friends.  We love how CWO not only meet the physical needs of men, women and children around the world, but how they make it a priority to share the gospel of Jesus Christ as it is presented from the Bible. We also appreciate the Feminine Training Center that teaches women skills that can help them support their families. One way we have chosen to help out with CWO is to donate a percentage of some of the acrylic paintings that I have for sale.  I specialize in paintings of Colorado and Castle Rock, but also paint other beautiful places as well.

One of my greatest joys in life has been learning how to paint with acrylics. I began painting 14 years ago, and after hanging paintings on my walls and giving some to friends and family, I realized I could also use my art skills to help raise funds for missionary friends and organizations. Each year I donate a few paintings to fundraisers.  Recently my husband suggested that when I participate in art festivals I could designate a painting to a specific ministry and if it sells donate the money earned to that organization. Presently I have several paintings for sale at the Miyo Café in Happy Canyon Shopping Center in Castle Rock.  I chose a few paintings to donate to some mission organizations if sold.  We put the names of all my paintings in a hat and did the same with some mission groups and matched them up.

It’s an honor to support CWO in this way!