“In as much as you have done unto the least of these …” – Part 2

This blog post is the second in a series of reflections from Karen Pasquariello, CWO’s first missionary in Haiti.

It is Sept 1979. At times I am overwhelmed by the endless needs of those around me.  Living in the poorest county in the Western Hemisphere, is not easy. The needs and the heat beat the strength out of me. Today an elderly Haitian woman walked up to me. She had tears streaming down her face and was obviously in pain. She lifted her shirt and showed me her open wound. Her insides were pushing out through the opening. I drove her to the hospital and provided the money for her to see the doctor and for treatment.

Now it is 2016, 37 years later. As I reflect on that experience, I am thankful that I had the opportunity to serve as a missionary with CWO and for God’s word, “in as much as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me”


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